Wednesday 25 October 2023

What to know about pediatric tonsilitis?

 Tonsillitis is a common condition in children that involves infection or inflammation of the tonsils, which are two small masses of tissue at the back of the throat. However, tonsilitis can potentially interrupt your child’s activities like studying, swimming, singing, and other extra curriculums. So, knowing every snippet of pediatric tonsilitis is necessary for parents to prevent or manage tonsilitis as much as it is possible. This blog, drafted by a renowned ENT specialist in Kolkata shares some important information that every parent should be aware of about pediatric tonsilitis – 

What are the causes of pediatric tonsilitis?

Tonsillitis is often caused by a viral or bacterial infection. The most common bacterial cause is Streptococcus (strep throat), while viral infections can be caused by the common cold or the flu.

What are the symptoms of pediatric tonsilitis?

Tonsillitis can cause various potential symptoms, like – 

    • Sore throat

    • Difficulty swallowing

    • Fever

    • Red, swollen tonsils

    • White or yellow patches on the tonsils

    • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

    • Bad breath

    • Headache

    • Stomach-ache

What are the main two types of tonsilitis that occur in children?

    • Viral Tonsillitis: 

If the cause of tonsilitis in children is viral, treatment is generally supportive. However, this includes rest, staying hydrated, taking over-the-counter pain relievers, etc.

    • Bacterial Tonsillitis:

 Bacterial tonsilitis is popularly known as strep throat in children. If the cause is bacterial, such as strep throat, antibiotics are usually prescribed. It is crucial to complete the full course of antibiotics even if symptoms improve before the medication is finished.

How can you manage children’s tonsilitis at home?

    • Intaking Enough Fluids and Taking Rest: 

Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated throughout the day. Rest is also            essential to help the body recover.

    • Gargling with Warm Saltwater: 

For comparatively older children, a warm saltwater gargle may help soothe a sore throat or tonsilitis. But ensure that your child knows how to gargle without swallowing the solution.

    • Using Humidifier: 

Did you know that using a humidifier in the child's room can add moisture to the air, which may help relieve throat irritation? So, you can easily use a humidifier to manage tonsilitis in your children. 

In case, your child’s tonsilitis goes out of your control, you must visit a Pediatric ENT Consultant in Kolkata to resolve the problem at the earliest. 

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